Putting Dad in His Final Resting Place

Putting Dad in His Final Resting Place

On our visit home to Montana, we took my dads ashes to the cemetery to place them in the columbarium.
5 years later and it still seems unreal that I can’t call my dad to talk through an issue or have him help me solve a conflict.
He had this feeling that surrounded him that let me know everything would be ok, that everything would work out and that if it didn’t work in our favor, we’d still be ok because we’d keep going. Failure was only fatal if you stopped and gave up.
The last picture is a note my dad wrote in a notebook before he passed. One of his friends found it in a truck of his a few years after my dad died.  He was right…life is simple if you let it be. He had this figured out and left a momento for us to remind us of this. I have it framed in my room and I look at it everyday.
If you see me in these small blocks on social media each day and through the year, know that who I am and what you see is due to my great mom and dad that showed me what hard work is, how to treat others with respect and kindness and that each day we can take steps to be who we are fully meant to become. 
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