This week has been a hot one. Our freezer trailer, which we keep at an ideal temp of 0 degrees, has had a hard time with the 105 degree temps.
We’ve had a technician out twice and I think we’re resolving the issue and got needed parts to fix it.
While this has kept me on the edge of my seat, with tens of thousands of dollars in beef product in the balance, I’ve also been reminded of a few things:
1. Sometimes our own assumptions/perceptions get in the way.
There are condensers on the side of the trailer, they need to be washed off regularly with all the gunk and dirt flying around the ranch. Four times now, I’ve used a water gun or a weed sprayer to try to do the job because I *thought* I couldn’t reach it with a hose and there wouldn’t be enough pressure from the faucet to do the job. In the direness of the situation two days ago, I tried it, I strung together 5 hoses and there was still great pressure.
I created a reality in my head that did not exist. And when I finally decided to do the work to figure out if i was right, I was rewarded. (See second photo.)
2. In our struggles there is opportunity to be grateful.
When Rylan and I finally got the hose hooked up and started spraying the condenser, you would have thought that I took him to a water park.
He had a blast, in the middle of work and problem solving, and we both left soaking wet…thanks to him.
In that moment I stopped and took time to be grateful for the opportunity to be solving this problem and to be doing it with my son.
There will be a day where I am more removed from things like this and I always want to remember our humble beginnings where we had to bootstrap everything, where we all wore 7 different hats because that’s what it took to get the job done and as our kids came alongside us to solve problems and help find ways to improve and grow our beef business.
I’m reminded of one of my favorite quotes “Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” - John Wooden
Ms. Thomas, I want to thank you for such a wonderful story. It warms my heart to know there are gret people such as you and your family. We just recieved our first order from Thomas Catte Company and all I can say is WOW. We cooked up the “flat Iron” steak and man what flavor. And so very tender. I can’t wait to get into the rest of my order. You have made a customer for life. Thank you so much
Cliff Barnhart-Jerome, Idaho
Dear Ms. Thomas, this is such a wonderful story. You and your family are truly appreciated for your commitment to keeping your business going. I just received our first order from TCC and all I can say is WOW. This beef is fabulous. We just cooked up the flat iron steak and were amazed at the flavor and tenderness of the cut. I have never had the flat iron cut before, but it made me a believer. I am sold on your company. Thank you so much.
Cliff Barnhart- Jerome Idaho