Lizards are caught around here all the time.
The boys carry them around and put them in the container (ahem, my kitchen snap ware) and then take them out and carry them around again and again.
Today’s lizard was no different. At one point I came out and I saw the lizard sitting like this with the lid completely off. I thought to myself ‘well he’ll be gone in two seconds flat.’ And went on about my business.
I walked by 2 or 3 more times and the lizard remained, I don’t even think he ever moved positions.
I willed him to move, to show him that just over the ledge of that tall wall was freedom. He was able and had the tools he needed to get out.
This got me thinking...what viewpoint do others have that I’m not seeing in my own life and where do I stay instilled with fear because I can’t see past the tall snap ware wall?
Where in life do I have the skills I need but am paralyzed by fear because of the unknown beyond what I know now?
Maybe I’m trying to turn this lizard into too much of a lesson for myself but it’s something worth asking. I easily get paralyzed with fear of the unknown because I like comfort and don’t want to upset what I know.
If you’re reading this, stop and take a moment to think, what am I not seeing that if I had a 10,000 foot view, I’d have a different perspective?
What am I afraid of right now and why? What’s the worst that could happen if I take X step?
I’ll sure be asking myself these questions because the older I get, the more I realize that life is too short to waste your God given talents on playing it safe, being who others want you to be and not trying to see what’s outside the top of the snap ware wall!