9 Takeaways from 2020

9 Takeaways from 2020

TCC Top 9 and the top 9 things I’ve learned in 2020:
1. 2020 was the year for side hustle launches. I have seen so many friends, family and followers who have just jumped in and gone for it! Chasing your passion and going for it is such an amazing experience.
2. The kids will be ok. Kids are resilient and flexible, and forgiving. Parents have struggled and kids have struggled but they keep forgiving us and they keep loving us, despite the struggles of the year.
3. Finding ways to be kind and spread kindness to those around you will always pay off. Whether you get reciprocation or not, kindness pays. It’s a good feeling to step above the crap and know that your intentionality to be kind makes a positive impact.
4. I still have to keep fighting fear everyday. I’ve made great progress in my beef business this year but I still have many times where I choose the path that requires less bravery. Taking chances and jumping into fear is an everyday thing.
5. For some reason the world believes that you must be all or nothing on issues, ideas and thought processes. The divisiveness has come during 2020 and it has been interesting to see how people have treated each other based on ideas or thoughts. It’s ok to be unsure, or to do more investigating and most importantly to do your own research on something. Diversity in thought is a good thing when it’s founded in research and consideration, not just the popular opinion.
6. Heroes have risen. Teachers. Cops. Nurses. Doctors. Receptionists at healthcare clinics. Frontline workers in retail. People who didn’t get the choice to work from home. People who have still showed up to their job each day to serve others. They’ve been yelled at, threatened and seen cruelty but they still show up.
7. Being flexible is in us all. Sometimes we choose it, sometimes it’s forced upon us. But we are all capable of pivoting, retooling and thinking outside the box.
8. Nine months later and I still haven’t figured out how to successfully unmute myself before talking in a zoom call.
9. Passion wins. Chasing your dreams, despite fears or an unclear path laid out, will always be the best path.
What takeaways do you have?
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